Lemon powder can be used to flavor pastries, ice creams, sor...
Properties :
Antispasmodic +++, anti inflammatory +++, analgesic +++, digestive tonic and hepatobiliairy +++, antibacterial ++
Indications :
Migraine, overstrain, loss of memory, asthenia, cephalagia, nervous depression, gastralgia, cough asthma, aerophagia, dizziness, palpitation, painful menstruation, gastritis, deficiency, digestive, dysmenorrhea, viral hepatitisy and heptic congestion, cramps and muscle constractions, arthritis, tendonitis, rheumatism
Instructions :
Internal Use : Consult an aromatherapist
External Use :
Contra indications :
Lemon powder can be used to flavor pastries, ice creams, sor...
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